Sollers Ford launches Ford Transit online showcase


Sollers Ford is launching an online showcase: now you can pick out and reserve the Ford Transit vehicle you need in just a few minutes at, an innovation which will save customers a lot of time.

The online showcase is an indispensable sales tool capable of assisting customers in their choice of automobile in this era of rapidly developing internet technologies. Ford Showcase is an online reservation service for Ford Transit cars, which displays up-to-date information on their availability and cost in official dealerships in Russia.

You can reserve any vehicle online, including both those currently available at dealerships and those currently on their way to the point of sale.

The online showcase consists of four sections, coinciding with the number of vehicle types represented in Ford Transit commercial product line: all-metal vans, passenger transportation, chassis-based vehicles and special purpose vehicles.

Each section has a convenient filter allowing you to select the city where you plan on buying your vehicle, modifications, equipment level, engine and drive types, additional options, as well as the desired color. It is also possible to sort vehicles matching your criteria by their price.

The program will show the cost of the car, taking into account the benefits of existing special offers.

Ford Transit production is organised at the Sollers Ford plant in Elabuga using full cycle technology, which allows us to offer Russian buyers modern products, fully customised to the customer's needs, adapted to Russian conditions, and at competitive prices. The basic line includes an all-metal van, bus and chassis, and vehicles can be ordered with three base lengths, two roof heights and all types of drive, including all-wheel drive. So far, the full range of special vehicle options based on Ford Transit includes 141 different modifications for special and social purposes and continues to expand.

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